Seeking the Peace of our City…

We want to be a church that makes a difference in the community God has placed us in. We want to be a light of God’s love that breaks through the darkness of pain, trauma, loneliness, division, and apathy. God’s justice is about bringing his life and wholeness to others. And we are a church that takes our responsibility to our community seriously.

  • Assemble & Distribute Dignity Kits

    Shop for the items needed to assemble a dignity kit—care packages filled with practical, useful items to bless the poor and unsheltered in our community

  • Host a Neighborhood BBQ / Bonfire

    Invite your neighbors to a BBQ or bonfire where they can connect, get to know one another, and build a deeper community—creating space for you to know your neighbors, show them God’s love, and build trust with your neighbors that you are someone they can go to

  • Adopt a Neighborhood

    Serve one of our hand-picked neighborhoods as an individual or a family. Meet the people. Get to know who they are and their needs. And coordinate with Genesis and our local community partners to help serve that neighborhood and show them the love of God

  • Join the Disaster Response Team

    Help the people in our church and their neighbors with clean up and light repairs from storm damage as needed

  • Be A Genesis Messenger

    Help get the word out that Genesis is a church that loves and cares about our community—wear our merch, spread the word on social media, invite people to church, and more!

  • Show Some Holiday Kindness

    Be intentional during some of the year’s great holidays by showing kindness through some of these creative ideas

  • Host a Neighborhood Meal Train

    Help organize meals and support for people you know going through sickness, surgeries, life changes, etc. using this easy online service

  • Prayer & Intercession

    Pray for Genesis and our community. Pray according to specific prayer points, pray for prayer requests that come in, or even join our prayer team that meets on Sundays before service